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Fund Your Future: A Quick Guide to Digital Health Grants

An older woman sitting on a couch, holding a phone up to her face for a telehealth visit

This quarterly blog series gives healthcare organizations an inside look at opportunities to fund their digital health and hybrid care programs – from the grant experts at Amwell. 


Federal, state, local, and foundation grants offer hospitals and health systems an opportunity to fund hybrid care programs. Billions in grant dollars are available each year, which can help organizations pay for telehealth, virtual care, and digital health solutions that enhance healthcare delivery across care settings. 


Navigating the process from your initial grant review to pressing “submit” on your application can be challenging, as the application can be time-intensive, sometimes requiring many hours of work. It is important to ensure your organization has allocated the proper resources. To support the process, the Amwell Grants and Public Funding Program team answers six frequently asked questions about opportunities for hybrid care and digital health grants along with creating successful submissions. 

1. What types of hybrid care projects can be funded through grants? 

Many grant programs are designed to help organizations increase access to care, expand service lines, and address rising demands for specific healthcare needs. These are precisely the benefits that hybrid care offers, which means that organizational efforts to implement hybrid care strategies are often eligible.  

Hospitals and health systems are commonly awarded funding for:  

2. How do I find grants that align with my project?

Search websites such as, Rural Health Information Hub, and Candid to view active and upcoming grant opportunities for healthcare providers. Check your state health agency websites and any state or local foundations, too. 

  • Once a grant opportunity is identified, conduct a thoughtful assessment to verify that the funding is a good fit for your organization. You may want to get feedback from internal stakeholders on the following questions:
  • Is your organization eligible for the grant and does it have the necessary registrations with funding entities to apply for the grant? 
  • Do the required outcomes of the grant align with your organization’s strategic objectives? 
  • Can your organization manage and sustain the work after it’s awarded the funding? 
  • Is your organization prepared to report on the work and the outcomes? 
  • Do you have enough time to write the grant application and meet the established deadlines?

3. I found a grant that’s a great fit! Now what?

  • Carefully read the guidance documents to determine the application requirements. Then, it’s time to get organized. 
  • Create an application development plan that includes who is responsible for gathering the required documents, such as letters of support, who will write each section of the application, and who will submit the application by the deadline.

4. What resources should I prepare before I start? What resources will I need as I progress through the application process?

  • Pull together a technology plan. It’s important to have a strong understanding across your internal teams on strategic direction for hybrid care, including anticipated use cases, software requirements, and device needs.
  • Gather organizational information, including your tax identification letter, logins to application systems (for example,, and annual reports.
  • Collect needs data, such as your hospital or health system’s Community Health Needs Assessment, and metrics to illustrate the need for the project specifically (for example, appointment wait times). This will explain the importance of digital health in care delivery at your organization.

5. I have a question on an application requirement. Can you help?

Yes. The Amwell team can assist you throughout the application process. Our grants team has assisted many healthcare organizations and has significant expertise in the application process. We can work with your organization to review and provide feedback on grant application steps and components. Contact us at today!

6. Our grant application was submitted! What happens next?

  • Strive to submit the application three days before the deadline to avoid potential mishaps with uploading the information.
  • The grant funder will conduct a review of your application. Timing can vary from just a few weeks to several months.
  • After completing the review, the funder will inform you of their decision. If you were selected as a grant awardee, the funder will communicate next steps about starting work. In the meantime, celebrate your accomplishment!
  • If your organization was not selected for funding, ask for feedback so you can strengthen the next grant application you submit.
  • Amwell provides post-award support to ensure a smooth process of purchasing solutions and implementing your hybrid care strategy. Our experts can also review previous grant applications your organization submitted and offer suggestions and help you search for additional funding options.

Contact us to learn more about the Amwell Grants and Public Funding Program. And explore our provider solutions and services to see how Amwell can support your organization’s digital health goals.

Amwell does not provide direct grant writing or pay for grant writers on behalf of customers.